Only for Ambitious Self Publishers:

Discover the ULTIMATE method to get REAL REVIEWS and skyrocket your ranking
on Amazon👇🏻


It’s a fact: if you want to make consistent money from publishing, you MUST have stable and real reviews on your books.

You can no longer rely on virtual assistants of dubious origin...

Begging for reviews on Facebook groups...

Or even rely on some scam service that has never achieved results with this business...

So if you ended up on this page it’s because obviously you want to give a turn to your Self Publishing business once and for all.

And this is where We Ratings was born.

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Okay, I know your skepticism...

Let’s face it, I’m a publisher since 2017 and I’ve seen them all.

 I’ve had many accounts banned over the years, and I tried all the services on the internet...

Always finding myself with a handful of flies in my hand.

First, the main problems of the other services are:

❌ You are given fraudulent reviews that risk getting your account banned

❌ They don’t deliver the promised reviews (for example, you order 20 and get 5, and even late)

❌ They have no idea what they are doing because they never did Publishing profitably (unlike me)

❌ They always use the usual 10 reviewers to review thousands of books.

❌ Use fake accounts to post reviews

And this is what will happen if you use them too:


Now, forget all of this with We Ratings.

Our launch method is simply BAN-PROOF.

And it’s the same as the publishing houses.

Let me explain how it works in total transparency:

Unlike all other services, we run a group with HUNDREDS of real American readers, growing every week.

Seriously, every week there are NEW readers who are ready to read your books and leave an honest assessment.

While older readers are paused.

❌ This means that NONE of our American readers leave reviews compulsively every day.

 In addition, each of our readers, also buys other products outside the books, being real people (this factor makes the service super safe)


The management system behind it is very complex, but the end result is simple.

All this allows us to have an absolutely natural and ORGANIC system for giving visibility to your books, which will never make you have any problem of Ban.


Here are the characteristics of We Ratings:


What do the publishers who use We Ratings to launch their books say:


Our service is custom designed for Amazon KDP, which we know as our own pockets.

And it is guaranteed that if you only use our service, you will NEVER have any kind of problem.

And you know why I care about the safety of your business?

There is only one reason and it is very selfish: if you will be fine, you will always order from us.

So it is in my interest that everything works perfectly, and that you are FULLY satisfied with the service.

My goal is to become your ultimate Publishing supplier.

Think about it: if your account has problems, you will stop buying our services, and I would lose all the customers because word would spread.

Who am I? Who is behind We Ratings?

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Call me Marco Brunetti.

It’s not my real name, it’s a pen name (exactly like the ones you use!)

Everyone knows me, but no one knows who I am.

Or rather, almost everyone has dealt with me in publishing in Italy, but nobody knows that I am behind the scenes of We Ratings.

So the reason I don’t want to reveal my name, is because I am already quite well known in the Self-Publishing space... and I do not want to create a conflict of interest with any gurus.

As they say: if you want to hide a tree, plant it in the forest ;)

In addition, I am still a super active publisher in the American market, with great results.

Here are my monthly numbers on KDP:


How do I make these figures every single month?

First, I have HUNDREDS of profitable books on the American marketplace.

And then, I have many more reviews of my competitors.

How many reviews do you have on your books?

Probably too few.

You should aim for over 50 reviews for your books. Then go above 100.

Spoiler: Your ads will perform MUCH BETTER!

Ok dear Publisher, you now have 2 choices...

You can use Virtual Assitant Pakistani, Fake Reviewers, Scam Services... or continue to beg for reviews in Facebook groups...

Or you can trust us at We Ratings and let your books take off in total relaxation.

It’s your choice.

Choose now the package to launch your book:

Not Verified REVIEWS 

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Verified REVIEWS

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Verified Reviews VS Unverified: What's the difference?

The verified reviews are ratings that Amazon makes you write after you have bought the product.

The unverified reviews, on the other hand, are ratings that Amazon allow the users to leave even if they haven't bought the product. They are called "not verified" simply because no purchase is made.

Do not be fooled by the name, the Unverified reviews  at launch because they are not related to any purchase (you can put as many as you want without having problems...if you entrust us).

To understand, unverified reviews are equivalent to sponsoring on Facebook to review the book, so it is totally safe.

The ideal launch involves a combination of Unverified and Verified Reviews (of those Unverified you can put as many as you want)

Warning: Monthly launches are limited, act now before they run out.

⭐️ Real and stable reviews

🔒 100% Organic and Safe Method

📚 Created by a true Self-Publishers

Vuoi testare il servizio con meno recensioni?
Prova il Lancio Leggero

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😂 Il meno conveniente.

🚨 ATTENZIONE: Questo pacchetto sarà rimosso a breve poichè per un publisher non ha alcun senso avere SOLO 10/15 recensioni.

Ma capisco il tuo scetticismo e voglio farti toccare con mano la qualità del nostro serivizio.

Ok ora so che stai pensando:

"Ma non c'è un limite di recensioni oltre la quale è meglio non andare?"


Questo discorso è valido solo se utilizzi recensori fake o servizi fraudolenti.

Con il metodo We Ratings, non c’è un numero di recensioni considerate "rischiose".

D’altronde i problemi con le recensioni ce li hanno solo avuti i publisher che tentavano scorciatoie.

Nessuno del team di We Ratings o dei nostri clienti ha MAI avuto problemi grazie alla nostra strategia.

Detto questo, ricordati che ci sono case editrici che partono con migliaia di recensioni nei primi giorni di lancio, che utilizzano il medesimo metodo.

"But isn’t there a limit of reviews that you shouldn’t go beyond?"

NO. This is only valid if you use fake reviewers or fraudulent services.

With the We Ratings method, there is no number of reviews considered "risky".

Ours is not a method to get guaranteed reviews, it’s a service of visibility with real American readers, which will consequently make you get reviews.

On the other hand, the problems with reviews were only experienced by publishers who tried shortcuts.

None of the We Ratings team or our clients have ever had problems with our strategy.

Having said that, remember that there are publishing houses that start with thousands of reviews in the first days of launch using the same method

Customer Testimonials

The markets in which we operate: Click on the flag to discover the packages

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